प्रकाशित मिति : २०२०-०६-११ (अद्यावधिक मित : २०२२-०८-०७)

Agriculture has been the prime sector of Nepalese economy. The agricultural development policy and program issues related to natural resources, investment, subsidy/ taxes, public/ private services, marketing and pricing, trade and agro-industries are of paramount importance for economic growth and people's welfare. So Nepal Agricultural Economics Society (NAES), established in year 2005, has taken to the onus to pursue these issues, and suggest solutions to the stakeholders. NAES is dedicated to serve on skills and knowledge for agricultural advancement, and arranges for exchange of views. 

सम्पर्क विवरण

नेपाल कृषि अर्थशास्त्र समाज

हरिहरभवन ,ललितपुर, नेपाल

सम्पर्क नं. :

फ्याक्स : +९७७-१-५५२४२२७

ईमेल: nepalagriecosociety@gmail.com

वेव : www.naes.org.np

वेवसाइट हेरिएको

हाम्रो नक्सा