प्रकाशित मिति : २०२०-०६-११

The NAES holds general assembly in every years. The assembly elects an eleven-member executive committee, appoints auditor, and makes policies.

The executive committee members are as follows: President, Vice-President, Secretary General, Directors (three), Treasurer, and Members (four).

The three directors are: Research and human resources development; Planning, co-ordination & monitoring and Information, publication relations.

The NAES has three advisors to provide valuable suggestions for effective performance of the services.

सम्पर्क विवरण

नेपाल कृषि अर्थशास्त्र समाज

हरिहरभवन ,ललितपुर, नेपाल

सम्पर्क नं. :

फ्याक्स : +९७७-१-५५२४२२७

ईमेल: nepalagriecosociety@gmail.com

वेव : www.naes.org.np

वेवसाइट हेरिएको

हाम्रो नक्सा